if (isset($_GET['partner'])) $partner = $_GET['partner']; 
if (isset($_GET['kat'])) $kat = $_GET['kat'];
if (isset($_GET['fluggesellschaft'])) $fluggesellschaft = $_GET['fluggesellschaft'];
if (isset($_GET['rubrik'])) $rubrik = $_GET['rubrik'];
if (isset($_GET['user'])) $user = $_GET['user'];
if (isset($_GET['port'])) $port = $_GET['port'];
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 Eurowings   Economy                                    
Gesamtnote   1.06
Kurze Bewertung
 So bewertet dieser User die Airline  
Eurowings entstand 1993 aus einer Fusion vom Nürnberger Flugdienst und RFG Regionalflug. D...[Mehr]
Flugzeugkabine  1.00 Bodenservice  1.00
Sitzkomfort  1.00 Service an Bord  1.00
Bordverpflegung  k.A Kinder-Service  k.A
Getränkeservice  2.00 Pünktlichkeit  1.00
Toiletten  1.00 Preis-Leistung  1.00
   Flüge buchen   
Online check in not working; 15 ? at airport
I couldn't do the online check in because I couldn't choose a seat in the online check in portal. Normally no problem at the airport. All the other airlines - just say it didn't work - maybe say why it didn't work - and they print out the boarding pass for you. Not with Eurowings. They insisted that I needed to show a screenshot that I couldn't choose the seat - which I never needed to show at any other airline. As I couldn't they forced me to pay 15 ? - totally annoying as their technical problem wasn't my fault. My advice - not to fly with Eurowings or collect all proofs. If they don't trust me, why should I trust them?
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